Indies Love Godot, We Love Indies

February 24, 2023 by
W4 Games

GDC Expo will start in just four weeks and we are really excited to meet with the many independent game developers (indies) who have been using and  supporting the Godot Engine.

Based on recent data from, Godot has reached the important milestone of 12.5K projects developed, growing at a pace of 60 new projects per week. The great preference for Godot from the young audience and indie game developers supporting the Blue Robot technology’s exponential growth has converted Godot into the most loved open source game engine.

Thanks to W4 Games’ donation of GDC booth space to the Godot Foundation, the Godot Engine project will be able to host a selected pool of promising Godot indie game developers who will fly to San Francisco to showcase their projects at Stand S464 (see map below).

It is a fact that indies love Godot, we definitely love indies, and we look forward to unveiling at GDC new products and services to support their rise. 

Moreover, we are willing to offer independent developers from the Godot community who would like to visit GDC a bunch of free Expo passes.

How to get them is easy: just fill in this simple contact form and get your GDC 2023 expo pass offered by W4 Games. The number of passes is limited and subject to availability.

Note: As of 2023-03-20, we’re no longer offering any passes through the form.

Learn more about W4 Games and Godot Engine:

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